Disclaimer: LEAP is a broadly based scientific resource for anyone interested in furthering the development of long acting/extended release products for treatment and prevention of HIV, TB, and Viral Hepatitis. As such, members of the LEAP Executive Committee and Pharmaceutical Advisory Board make themselves available for advice and dissemination of information to individuals and groups. However, we cannot provide access to confidential or proprietary information, and in such circumstances refer inquiries to those in possession of such information. LEAP is funded by the National Institutes of Health, but we are not in a position to critique grant applications, nor can we suggest strategies for pursuit of peer-reviewed research funding for individual investigators. Advice provided by members of the LEAP Executive Committee and Pharmaceutical Advisory Board are the opinions of the individual(s) providing the advice, and do not represent the views of the National Institutes of Health or any other federal agency. Should you have additional questions or need for clarification, please contact the Division of AIDS (DAIDS) at NIH.